Friday, July 25, 2008

Rockin' RSS feeds!!!!!

Just had my first real exploration of RSS.Wow! I definitely need a cup of java or maybe something stronger? Anyway it's been interesting, challenging and informative. I think RSS is great for bringing relevant info to the individual and libraries can and should exploit this. Borrowers' can customize their accounts and receive feeds on whatever topic is of interest to them: book reviews, events, updates and so on.The possibilities are truely endless. I think this adds another connection between the client and the library highlighting the fact libraries are at the forefront of technology.
I've chosen a few sites: cooking, fashion, news and library talk, however there is a giant temptation to subscribe to everything! not the best way to go.
Navigating around all this technological 'stuff' requires time and patience (maybe qualities that busy librarians would love to have more of) however i'm going to go and have that cup of coffee and get back into it. Who knows what i'll find!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Keep reading, keep connecting